The Right to Farm and Forest Law; to include forest and timber land and forest and timber operations in the legislative declaration that agricultural land and operations must be protected; and to provide for relative matters.
This bill will allow for protection of all farm lands INCLUDING timber land.
Sponsored by: Jack McFarland
Increases certain special permit fees and dedicates the proceeds of the fee increase into the Construction Sub-fund of the Transportation Trust Fund. Senator Jim Fannin brought an amendment to add an OPTIONAL Forest/Timber Harvest Season Permit that will allow for a 10% variance (88,000-lbs) for ONLY Log Hauling trucks equipped with on-board scales. This permit would be a $100 option to the regular harvest season of $10 that only allows up to 86,600-lbs.
Sponsored by: Walt Leger & Paige Cortez
Provides relative to the harvest or sale of forest products. To provide a time frame for harvesters to remit payments to landowners; to provide for penalties; to provide for definitions; and to provide for related matters.
Failure to remit payment to owner in 30 days, penalties.
Sponsored by: Jack McFarland
The Louisiana Motor Transport Association brought bill to create the Louisiana Trucking Research and Education Council. This council is to develop programs and projects that carry out the purpose of the council, including safety and training, providing research and development and educating the public.
Senator Beth Mizell brought an amendment that would allow for some monies of the annual Log Truck tag fees to go into “Trucking Research and Education Council Fund”. These dollars will allow for a member of the LLA to have a seat on the council and with the governor of Louisiana when discussing Louisiana Hauling.