Louisiana Loggers Association Endorse Julia Letlow for Congress

The Louisiana Loggers Association would like to announce the endorsement of Congresswoman Julia Letlow for Congress District 5.  Over the last year and a half, Congresswoman Letlow has shown her passion for the citizens and the progress of the district. Letlow currently sits on the House Committee on Appropriations, holding seats on the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and the Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs. Letlow has proven her hard work, dedication, and perseverance while being a full-time congresswoman and full-time mom of two. 

“The timber industry is Louisiana’s second largest manufacturing employer, and forest land covers nearly half of our state. I appreciated being able to spend time with loggers in Winn Parish and discussing how we can more effectively promote logging as a crucial economic engine in our region.” —Congresswoman Letlow (Logging Tour)

“Louisiana hasn’t had a seat at the table in House Appropriations since Congressman Rodney Alexander left office nearly a decade ago. Now, our state will be there not just during the larger debates over the federal budget, but also in a much stronger position when it comes to those critical moments. Like the ones we’ve experienced in the past few years when our state required additional assistance from Congress due to natural disasters. Our taxpayers send millions to Washington every year, and while I don’t have power over how much of your taxpayer dollars are sent to Washington, I do have influence over where those dollars go. I pledge to be the fighter who will bring those dollars back home. I’m committed to finding every opportunity to lower your taxes and being a responsible steward of our government’s funding.” - Congresswoman Julia Letlow (Appropriations Committee)

The Louisiana Loggers Association is here to support and assist in any way possible to reinforce Congresswoman Letlow’s objectives. We encourage all the citizens of District 5 to cast their votes for Congresswoman Letlow.

-Toni McAllister, LLA Executive Director, www.louisianaloggers.com


Learn more about Julia at Representative Julia Letlow | (house.gov).


Louisiana Loggers Association Endorse Jeremy LaCombe for Senate


Louisiana Agriculture Transportation Group Self-Insured Fund: SB437 and HB1078