Words From Our Legislators
Thank you to our Legislators that continue to support and work hard for our Louisiana Loggers!
“Stay Home” order by Governor:
“What Louisiana, America, and the world, have endured as a result of the COVID 19 virus would have been unthinkable three months ago. The failure of China to sound an alarm about a potential world-wide pandemic is unconscionable. But, now it’s here . . . in our towns, our cities, and our communities. What remains is the classic case of playing the hand we’ve been dealt.
This is not a Republican problem, or a Democrat problem. It is a humanitarian problem. The people dying are not unknown to us. They are our brothers, our mothers, our sons, our daughters, and our friends. They are our neighbors, our fellow elected officials, and folks who sat with us in church on Sunday. We owe it to them, and to ourselves, to fix this problem so that hardworking men and women in Louisiana can safely return to work and support their families.
The first job of the President of the United States is to protect his people. Likewise, the first job of a Governor is to protect the citizens of his or her state. I think Governor Edwards has been dutiful, diligent, and sincere in this attempt. In doing so, he has relied on the most experienced and knowledgeable medical personnel in America. From Washington D.C. to Baton Rouge, this expertise has been harnessed to work around the clock, monitoring this pandemic, gathering data, and providing their best advice and recommendations based on that data.
The people in my district want to go back to work, and so do I. The efforts to mitigate the virus have been harsh on families. Like so many others, I had hoped our statistics would meet President Trump’s requirements to phase back into a working economy. But to abandon all we have done thus far to mitigate the virus seems wasted sacrifice. I pray that on May 11, our Governor can announce that Louisiana has turned the corner. I believe we will. If not, then we must find ways to allow our businesses to safely return to work.”
~Louie Bernard, Senator-District 31
"I feel that our people have been incredibly patient considering that we are a free people. The face is that the virus is not going to be magically gone on May 15th. We will be dealing with periodic spikes for some time. On another note, the State Legislature is going back into session Monday, and we have a monumental task ahead of us. We are losing well over $1 million a day, according to our State Treasurer. People need to get back to work and we need them to get back to work".
~ Heather Cloud, Senator District 28
"There is still lots of work to be done in our state. We will get through these hard times, together"!
~ Neil Riser, Representative District 20
" The Legislature is looking forward to session beginning again, May 4. we still have tort reform to pass and we will have 5 weeks left in the regular session to pass legislation to lower commercial auto insurance rates. Also, we can still pass the amendment to our current harvest permit to specifically define the gross vehicle weight allowed by law on our state highways. Thankfully, the timber industry, more specifically, the Logging Contractor, has been declared an essential industry by both the state and federal government. The declaration has allowed our industry to continue to provide jobs, and revenue to local governments. I encourage everyone to continue to protect their health by practicing safe health measures when in public places and look forward to our state returning to some normalcy".
~Jack McFarland, Representative District 13
" I'm exciting to be returning to Baton Rouge for a race to the June 1st finish line. I am REALLY EXCITED to have my centerpiece bill heard in the friendly, Agriculture Committee!! With the help from Senate attorney, Carla Roberts from Saline, we drafted a bill to limit the liability losses for log trucks which could quickly bring down the horribly high liability insurance costs. We have the support of Rep. Jack McFarland and Sen. Heather Cloud as well as Insurance Commissioner, Donelon, and Ag Commissioner, Strain."
~ Robert Mills, Senator District 36
"I want to take a moment to thank all of those who work in the timber industry. Over the past two months we have seen shortages on paper products across the country, and while the focus has been on the product producers, in Louisiana, we know those products start with the timber industry. The timber industry works day in and day out to ensure people across the globe have basic and essential products, and I am thankful for your dedication and hard work in an industry that faces obstacles around every corner."
~ Stewart Cathey, Senator District 33
"What do we do in these troubling times? When I ran for state representative, I had two goals. To tell people the truth and give them their freedom back. When COVID-19 hit, it rocked me back on my heels, but now I'm back on the balls of my feet. At this point, I'm working on ending the state of emergency and giving the people their freedom, back. Our best hope in restoring our country is through prayer and the American spirit. So, how do we unleash the American spirit? It's really simple, we just destroyed the red tape that acts as a noose around the neck of our businesses. We know our elected leaders realize this because they remove the red tape in times of emergency to increase productivity. We see this in several ways but the most important is our great American truck drivers being allowed to deliver items without interference from government agencies. I believe our state government will be more aware of this after this tragedy. It's like an old man asked me the other day, He said, "Son have you seen any trial lawyers delivering food and toilet paper during the state of emergency?" He made a very good point!. God bless!"
~ Danny McCormick, Representative District 1
“To my neighbors who work so hard transporting Louisiana’s number one crop: THANK YOU. From the bottom of my heart, I say thank you. I am grateful for your courage, commitment and tenacity. I believe our State will come out of this crisis with our head high, looking to the future. I’m proud of the way the men and women of the logging industry have continued moving product to market and have helped our State stand up. Please know there are many of us in the legislature who admire and support you. God be with you. Louisiana is a free state. You have my commitment that I’ll work on your behalf and stand up for you and your families.”
~ Charles Owen, LtCol (ret), USAF State Representative, District 30 Vernon-Beauregard Parishes
As we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis our nation, state, and local communities are facing times of great uncertainty with many challenges ahead of us. The logging and wood products industries will be critical to our ability to bounce back from this crisis and continue to enjoy the freedom and liberty that we as Americans hold so dear. I am looking forward to returning to the state capitol and fighting alongside the Louisiana Logger’s Association for meaningful tort reform, lower commercial insurance rates, and economic development that will ensure the success and profitability of the logging industry for many years to come. Thank you.
~ Gabe Firment State Representative District 22
“I want to insure you all that although the 2020 Legislative Session has been interrupted and shortened due to the pandemic, that Tort reform is still foremost on our minds. I have been assured by our Speaker, Clay Schexnayder, that our Tort reform bills will be heard and that we have time to get them through the process. Like you, I too am concerned about our economy and am pressing our Leadership, asking that our citizens be allowed back to work immediately. Please pray for us as we embark in uncharted waters. I look forward to working with you soon.”
~ Your Servant, Dodie Horton District 9