Louisiana Logger Relief Bill Passes! (HB642)
Final passage, today, for HB642. speaker Schexnayder’s bill to disperse the American Rescue Dollars includes that of the “Louisiana Logger Relief Package”!! Speaker Schexnayder, Representative Jerome Zeringue (chair of appropriations), Representative Jack McFarland(chair of house ag), and Senate President Page Cortez along with numerous legislators that went to bat for the sometimes forgotten small business, timber harvesters, has passed a $10M dollar relief package that will provide a much needed aid for this struggling industry. Louisiana Loggers are paid on production, alone (the booming lumber prices do not affect the stumpage prices or harvesting). Coming out of the extremely wet season of 2019, 2020 brought tight quotas, hurricanes, and many other obstacles!
The Louisiana Loggers are extremely grateful for the extended hand from the legislators!
“Extremely grateful for the hard work of the legislature to provide relief to the men and women who go out and harvest Louisiana’s number one ag crop, every day” ~Josh McAllister
“To be embraced for their hard work and acknowledged as a vital role in the state, Louisiana Loggers always make me proud to advocate for these amazing people who live quiet lives, working day in and day out to provide for rural Louisiana, Harvesting the number one ag crop in the state.... I’m speechless and i know this financial aid will help so many, in such a difficult time” ~Toni McAllister