Louisiana Tort Reform Progress, But We Need More

The Louisiana Loggers Association is made up of loggers, log haulers, and businesses that support our industry. You’re not going to get the original social distancers out of the woods unless there is a major crisis within our industry. In 2016 the rising prices of commercial liability insurance could no longer be ignored. Unsustainable rates started causing many logging businesses to fold. It was time to take action.

Over the past 5 years prices rose EXPONENTIALLY and we have been fighting hard to bring awareness and find relief! Finally, during the 2020 First Extraordinary Session, the Civil Justice Reform Act was passed with a collaborative effort and signed into law (Act 37). There were many parts to Act 37, but the one most important to our crisis, was the “collateral source” piece. 

Lawmakers claim that three years is the magic number, in reaping the benefits of the Civil Justice Reform Act, BUT we are finally starting to breathe a little lighter, NOW!! Two new underwriters have moved into the state and competition is beginning…….well not much, but some!

Our agents are reporting that 2021 renewals are mostly unchanged, but a few loggers have seen as much as 25% - 40% decreases. Insurance agents are finally calling around to see if other writers will beat or match prices. Rates are certainly not where they need to be, but we have made significant progress and will continue to fight.

Although it's starting to look as though we are gaining ground in our favor, more, and more drivers get on the roads every day. The number of DISTRACTED DRIVERS are increasing RAPIDLY and our only defense is dash cameras and defensive driving training! The men and women who are in the driver's seats have to be completely focused on the task at hand.

The LLA is thankful for the impact that the Tort Reform has brought, but there is still work to be done!

 Toni McAllister, Executive Director, Louisiana Loggers Association


Louisiana Logger Relief Bill Passes! (HB642)


Geaux Green Louisiana!